Remember Nature
BALLET, CH, 2021, 31’Bühnen Bern, Vidmar 1
Scenography by Christos Samaras
Choreography: Ana van Tendeloo
Costumes: Shayenne Di Martino
Dancers: Romane Ruggiero, Andrey Alves
Photography: Gregory Batardon
The dance piece Remember Nature reflectsan apocalyptic image of a possible future inwhich nature no longer exists. It takes placein a museum, which keeps the last naturalobjects and protects them from the outsideworld.
The visitors experience different stages onwhich they witness nature and try toreconnect with it. Van Tendeloo interweavessoundscapes with noises that cause plasticwaste and water traffic in our seas and lead,among other things, to the demise ofwhales. Amid this deafening noise ofpollution, she sends the dancers on a journey full of attempts at communicationthat is doomed to fail.The set elements for Remember Nature aremade from recycled materials.